Finish the Sentence Link Up

Finish the Sentence Link Up

I LOVE a good link up!!! And I think I have come across a new fun one.  I really like ones like this because I get to share more about myself that might not get shared in my other blogging. If you are also a blogger please hop on over and join in with the fun.



1. I laughed so hard I cried when…my son puts his underwear on over his pants to act like a super hero.  Tell me this isn’t funny

caleb in underwear

2. My high school…is in Stuarts Draft, Virginia and I miss being in High School even though I hated it at the time.
3. It really pisses me off… when
4. In ten years..My twins will be 23, Oh no I can not even go there the mommy tears come immediately. My middle daughter will be 17 and ready to graduate. My son will be 15 and ready to get his learners. I hope I still have my sanity by then.
5. If I could erase one thing… the weight I keep accumulating.
6. In 1999…  I was pregnant with my twins. It was a crazy year.
7. Honestly… I am obsessed with Doctor Who right now.
8. To me, Sushi… is not something I have ever ate before so I guess I can not have an opinion.
9. Someone really needs to invent…a x-ray machine that can detect all forms of illness, wouldn’t that be awesome!!!
10. The first time I drank alcohol… I was 7 or 8 I believe and it was totally an accident. I thought it was Mountain Dew and got sick immediately after taking a big swig.
11. The one question I would ask God is… how can I be the person you made me to be?
12. Lindsay Lohan… really is a lost person, full of so many hurts that we will never understand. I pray to God one day she will understand why she does what she does.

Until Next Time
