30 Before 30

Here is my list of 30 things I am going to accomplish before I turn 30 on August 31st 2013

1. Write a Book

2. Fly in a Airplane for the first time

3. Go to a concert with my husband

4. Take my tweens to their first concert

5. Lose 30 pounds

6. Learn how to sew properly

7. Go on Summer Vacation as a family

8. Get 1,000 blog followers

9. Enter a Chili Cook-Off

10. Visit the Baltimore Aquarium

11. Read and study the entire New Testament

12. Go to the Richmond, VA NASCAR Race

13. Get a Tattoo

14. Get more organized with my Perfectly Posh Business

15. Rank to Premier with Perfectly Posh

16. Play a whole season of church softball (every game)

17. Get a real massage

18. Get in the habit of attending Sunday School

19. Buy a house

20. Attend E-women’s Conference 2013

21. Grow my Perfectly Posh Team to 50

22. Make date night a priority with my husband

23. Attend the University of Virginia vs. Virginia Tech football game

24. Save $2,000.00 for our emergency fund

25. Do Relay 4 Life

26. Raise $500 for Walk for Life

27. Ride on a train

28. Teach my kids a Bible verse a week (for the year which is 52 verses)

29. Get a family pet

30. Attend Posh Leadership and Unconventional in July